
AboutLaurenSantaTheAuthorOwnerPictureHello, friends and Purefectionist family.  Here’s a bit about me and my story.  I am the owner and author of this site. I currently live in Connecticut with my fur babies.  I moved here from Southern California several years ago and now I am quite the country lifestyle convert.  I live on an acre of land which has allowed me to have a beautiful organic food and flower garden.  A lot of my recipes are made with produce right out of my garden.

Picture of vertical garden tower

You can find these amazing garden towers here:  Garden Tower

My lifelong dream has always been to completely work for myself and use my college education to its fullest potential.  Of course we should never discount what life experience gives us, which leads me to why I started this website.

Why I started The PUREfectionist website?

This site will allow all of you to glean from my extensive research and give you a centralized and trustworthy place to find products, services, recipes, and so much more.

For years I have struggled through several medical conditions which I’ve silently battled since I was a young girl.  Among them are Epilepsy, severe digestive issues, migraines, hormonal dysfunction and imbalance which caused Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, infertility, several miscarriages and early passing of my children, cervical pre-cancer, autoimmune disease (Sjogren’s Syndrome),  Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver (NASH), Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS), neurological and chronic Lyme Disease, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), dermatological Issues, gallbladder removal, and everything in between.

Despite all of the difficulties and challenges these conditions have caused in my life, I still pushed to educate myself and work hard to have the best possible future.  Several years ago, I noticed I was feeling extremely fatigued which eventually led to me not being able keep my eyes open, stand without feeling like I would collapse, and I felt like death was immanent.  After seeing several specialists including numerous Acupuncturists, Naturopathic Doctors (ND), homeopathic experts, genetic experts, Chiropractors, Cardiologists, Neurologists, Orthopedist, Physical Therapists, Hematologist/Oncologist, Rheumatologists, and Neuro Surgeons, I was diagnosed with several of the conditions I listed above.

My body was overloaded with toxins which was not helping my very weakened body recover from the effects of years of medication for the Epilepsy.  I also went through years of not eating as healthy as I could have been had I known what I do now about food. “Trying different diets” certainly affected my recovery too.  My liver at one point was so enlarged that it grew a “tail” and was all the way over near my spleen! Yikes!

Once I educated myself about the harmful the chemicals we surround ourselves with in everyday life, I started removing them one-by-one.  I’ve been sharing what I’ve learned with anyone who was also struggling with their health or who was remotely interested in hearing more about more about living a healthier lifestyle.  Over time I have found myself repeating the same information.  I realized with the growing number of people that are dealing with health issues, it was no longer feasible to help people one at a time.

What you should know about The PUREfectionist website?

Everything on this site was either tested by me, is currently something I use, or items I have done extensive research on.  I go to the ends of the earth digging through medical research, speaking to company owners and operators, speaking to and visiting farmers, looking for 3rd party tests and reports, getting feedback from thousands of other people, speaking to doctors and experts in all fields of research and with extensive expertise, and reading through thousands of hours of medical journals from those in both the Eastern and Western medicine worlds.  I make a strong effort to continue communication with the companies I trust to make sure nothing has changed that will affect product efficacy and purity.

Please Note that I am NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL and you should always consult your medical team before making any changes.  All of the information on this site is a result of my opinion and research, and you should understand that each person is individual carrying a unique set of DNA and a unique medical history.  While I will discuss how to support your body, please build your own team of professionals to help you with your healing and journey!

My Inspiration

My Healthy Inspiration

I am inspired by what God has put into this world to heal us and make us whole.  There are an abundance of plants, herbs, spices and wonderful experts to allow us to keep our bodies and homes as toxic chemical-free as possible.  When I hear how someone is feeling so much better with just a few simple changes or that they are inspired to try one of my recipes at home, I am truly filled with excitement and joy.  I am praying that all of you are inspired to try something new while you also enjoy the fruits of my labor.  I look forward to hearing about your journey and have hope for a healthy future for you and your loved ones!

Lauren Santa

© thepurefectionist.com. All page content and images are protected by copyright. Images and recipes may not be republished without my permission. Please only share this post using a direct link.